
Guest Speaker

Insights on Japan’s Startup Ecosystem from the Ecosystem Builder


Ayumi Ode on 9/14/2024

The Japan Chapter of Columbia Venture Community (CVC) hosted a virtual session with with Masaru Nagura, Director of CIC Institute and Co-Founder of the Startup Ecosystem Association Japan.

Since it was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1999, Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) has built its innovation communities in 8 cities around the world, mainly in the United States and Europe. CIC Tokyo is the very first site in Asia. It provides services that bridges worldwide locations and supports the overseas expansion of Japanese startups and the opening of Japanese bases for overseas startups.

Masaru comes to CIC with a background in multiple sectors including government, business consulting, and investment. At the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, he oversaw governmental programs for startups and entrepreneurship education. In 2015, he began research on innovation ecosystems through MIT’s system design and management program, and during this time in Cambridge, he supported CIC’s international expansion to Japan. Upon returning to Japan, Masaru worked at a consulting and venture capital firm, focusing on technology-driven innovation, until he rejoined CIC in 2020.

During this session, he shared with us CIC’s initiatives and roles, challenges, and opportunities in Tokyo/Japan’s startup ecosystem.

Topics to be covered:

・CIC’s activities in Tokyo and Japan

・Challenges and opportunities he sees in Tokyo/Japan’s startup ecosystem

・His view on the startup ecosystem development in Tokyo and Japan

コロンビアベンチャーコミュニティ・ジャパンチャプター(CVC Japan)では、CIC InstituteのDirectorであり、一般社団法人スタートアップエコシステム協会理事である名倉勝氏をお招きしてオンラインセッションを開催しました。

ケンブリッジ・イノベーション・センター(CIC)は、1999年にマサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジに設立されて以来、欧米を中心に世界8都市でイノベーション・コミュニティを形成してきており、CIC Tokyoはアジア初の拠点です。世界の拠点をつなぐサービスを提供し、日本のスタートアップの海外進出や海外スタートアップの日本拠点開設を支援されています。







Featured Speaker



Masaru Nagura | Director of CIC Institute, Specially Appointed Professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Co-Founder of the Startup Ecosystem Association Japan.

After earning his Ph.D. in nuclear engineering, Masaru joined the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2011. While at the ministry, he was in charge of startup and innovation-related policies. He then began his research on the innovation ecosystem at MIT in 2015. After returning to Japan, he worked in a business consulting firm and a venture capital firm before joining CIC in 2020. Masaru also co-founded the Startup Ecosystem Association Japan alongside key stakeholders to further develop the ecosystem in the country.

名倉 勝 | Director of CIC Institute、東京工業大学特任教授、一般社団法人スタートアップエコシステム協会理事

東京大学大学院工学系研究科原子力国際専攻博士課程修了、マサチューセッツ工科大学System Design and Management Program修士課程修了。2011年に文部科学省入省後、大学発スタートアップ政策、産学連携政策、起業家教育政策、原子力規制等に携わり、大学発スタートアップ創出支援プログラムSTART、起業家教育プログラムEDGE、JSTの出資型プログラムSUCCESSを企画・立案。その後、経営コンサルティングファーム、ベンチャー キャピタルを経てCIC Tokyo立ち上げに参画。スタートアップをはじめとした企業が約300社以上入居している日本最大級のイノベーションセンターCIC Tokyoを運営するほか、スタートアップ支援やスタートアップエコシステム構築に関わる様々な取り組みを実施。