
Hiroko Imaeda

CVC Japan | Student @

MIT Sloan Fellows MBA Program ’25


Columbia College ’04, Major in Economics-Philosophy. Started career at Morgan Stanley then Goldman Sachs as an Equities specialist (mainly institutional sales) in Tokyo. Then shifted to HR to lead talent strategies at Mitsubishi Morgan Stanley PB Securities, back at Goldman Sachs, then to Point72 (Hedge Fund), SmartNews, and most recently as HR Director to lead and supervise the entire backoffice at Bain Capital Japan. Currently a graduate student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in an executive MBA program (full-time, 1 year), with two pre-teen children. Best-Seller Lecturer on Udemy (online learning platform) on topics including business English, HR and ChatGPT with subscribers nearing 30,000. Independent lecturer and trainer. Japan Alumni Group Officer, Columbia Undergraduate Schools.

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